There is nothing more heart-wrenching than separating two people who hate to be separated. Take, for example, Sarah Stanley and her dad in the first episode of Road to Avonlea. It's been awhile since I've seen it (addicted as a pre-teen. an addiction that ran into my teen years.) but I can still clearly remember Sarah being held back by someone (Aunt Hetty perhaps? Or was it Nanny Luisa?), screaming out "Papa" and just sobbing as her father drove away.
Sigh. The poor girl. I'm sure I shed a tear or two.

Well, yesterday afternoon I had a sadly similar situation. Mind you, Hadassah is a little younger than Sarah's age of ten or so. And we were only dropping Tim off at the airport. It's not like he was leaving Hadassah is good hands while he was under house arrest and charged for imbezzlement or so. And there was no nanny to restrain her - just the belts of her car seat. But those belts were straining, and probably getting wet even! Because as I drove away from the curb, there was nothing I could do but quietly reassure my screaming girl that we would pick daddy up promptly at 9:10 on Monday morning.

"Dada....sob sob....dada....sob sob....catch breath...dada!!!!" drowned me out for a minute or two, and I couldn't seem to get through to her. I don't know whether it was the "McDonald'" that finally reached her ears, or if she simply decided the airport was like another seminary - daddy will come home later.

But eventually she quieted down. And she thoroughly enjoyed the ice cream. But how it broke my heart to hear her sob for her daddy...someone she adores and HATES to be apart from.
So cute!