...and because I'm sipping a mug of hot chocolate and feeling all festive-like...I thought I'd post some pictures of winter @ the Bergsma's. Love the season - it's so cozy! Snow falling out your window, warm blankets to snuggle under. Strings of white lights and the opportunity to bring the outdoors in, in a different way than the flowers of summer. Pine brances, cones and such. Love it!And then there's the freshly fallen snow. I have a fresh appreciation for snow this year. Especially the new snow...puuuure white. Because that's what Christ's blood does for us. Washes us white as snow. How incredible!This is one of the snowballs daddy was throwing at Hadassah, making her giggle like crazy, taken from the safety of the indoors...Perhaps I should also note that I am very, very thankful for our furnace!!! Just looking at pictures in the mission magazine Come Over and Help makes me shiver. I can't imagine living in this climate without our furnace. God blesses us so abundantly!We bought a sled for Hadassah, but Derek seemed to have more fun on it than she did! One corner too fast and a wipe-out later, Hadassah doesn't seem to love it so much, but enjoyed watching Derek have a whirl...Here's Hadassah making her first ever snowball...mommy, watch out because daddy's rather excited about having a snowball throwing partner in crime!All moms out there, please note: Sand toys are equally useful in the winter...
What are you doing to celebrate the onslaught of winter?
Sweet little girl! This year must be much more fun than last year as she probably is enjoying it for the first time. Enjoy your snow, here in Chilliwack we are white but expecting the rains to start soon.... in EVERYTHING give thanks!