Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Worst. And the Best.


There are 365 of them in a year.

A new year just started. That means we've just put 365 days of smiles, tears, blessings and sorrows behind us and, Lord willing, have 365 days ahead of us for this twenty-twelve year. (well, if you're being technical, we have 362 days ahead of us... :)

What kind of smiles, what kind of tears, what kind of blessings and what kind of sorrows will this year bring? Is that a scary thought for you? An exciting thought? A leary thought? Do you think about it at all?

Last night I read the story of Hezekiah to Hadassah. (from this Bible Story book, which I really like) It tells of Hezekiah becoming sick and being told by Isaiah that he would soon die. Hezekiah pleaded with God in prayer to give him more time to help the people of his kingdom, the Israelites, and Isaiah came back with the message from God that Hezekiah would have 15 more years.

15 years. Isn't that incredible? Each of us live knowing that someday we will die. It could be when we're 83 years old, yet it could be tomorrow. But Hezekiah knew that he had 15 more years. Did it effect how he lived each day? Was he anxious to try and squeeze in as much as he could in those 15 years, or did he do what he could diligently, but with peace and joy simply because he was thankful for those 15 years? It was an interesting thing to think about.

And the amazing conclusion? Whether we know the number of our days (and so very few people have known that!), or not (that would be most of us!), when we rest in God's promise of salvation through Christ and His will for our lives, all is well. All.

So bring on the smiles please! And bring on the tears. When God is our focus - and heaven is our home, these days that come and go so quickly can be enjoyed (oh the blessings...) and endured (oh the sorrows).

Here's a quote from Jerry Bridges "Holiness" devotional:

Your worst days are never so bad that you're beyond the reach of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you're beyond the need of God's grace.

Aren't those great words to start a year to?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely entry... thanks for sharing the 15 Years bit. Whatever time we are given is truly a gift!
    Happy New Year to you and Tim yet! (And thanks for the lovely Christmas card...now graces my fridge)



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