Wednesday, July 30, 2014

On Random Things

This post goes out to Annalee, who is persistent in reminding me that it's time to write something. Thanks Annalee, for patiently waiting. Here you go. 

How's yours been? Over here, it's been a mix of:

> flying by & moving slow
> pleasant relaxation & hard work
> hot & delightfully cool
> vacation & "back to real life"
> preparing & procrastinating
> impulsive moments & routine order

But despite these mixes, maybe even because of them, it's been lovely. This is our very first summer with a defined time frame - between the last and first days of school. From what I gather, some people love this and some people aren't big fans. So far, I'm enjoying it. It forces me to take advantage of having Hadassah home all day everyday. Play dates and trips, but also lazy stretches at home with reading, bowls of ice cream and goofing off...

I have full intentions of writing a separate blog post to show you some pictures - my favorites were from our foggy beach walk - so I won't go into it much. Just want to say that it's incredible how fast they go! Sometimes they feel so needed. You wait and wait and eagerly anticipate and can long for Day 1 to arrive. And you enjoy it so much when it finally comes! We spent a full 3 weeks between camping, family and home and ended it relaxed and thankful. Vacations can be such a blessing for families!'s over already! Which is fine and all. Life needs to go on. But, wow. 3 weeks later and it feels like vacation was in the distant past! Crazy. Yet quite ok. :) 

Being Pregnant
This cool weather stretch we're encountering? No complaints from me!!! haha!! We have one month left before we have the pleasure of meeting this kicking, squirming and hiccuping baby. I can't wait! And I can wait. All at the same time. The 4 trips to the bathroom per night is getting old...but soon I'll be making 4 trips to the crib at night to feed a crying babe. The extreme tiredness followed by the extreme energy to get certain things done before the baby comes is getting old...but soon I'll be extremely tired followed by, well, extreme tiredness. I want to meet this cute bundle of joy! But I want to savor the last weeks ever of just the three of us. 

It's such a blessing to know that God has all things timed for His glory and our good and that we can trust Him and rest in Him and His plan. So while I'm eager to hold our newest family member in my arms, I'm content to be right where we are and find joy in being here. And thankful that beyond your average "I'm pregnant and not everything is lovely all the time" things, all is well and I cannot complain! 

Can I just say that right now, during the tomato ripening season, I am so thankful I'm the only one in my family who enjoys tomatoes? My cherry tomato plant is producing the most delicious balls of red goodness and I don't have to share! Mmmm.

Being Crafty
You know what I love? Having an afternoon where housework, baking, etc., is all caught up. Work is still there, but it has been worked on and can wait for a bit. And an impulsive thought strikes. "Hmm, you've had that same scrapbook paper as a frame mat for months, maybe it's time for a change!" Or "The mantel - it's been like that for awhile now. Clearing it off and starting fresh sounds fun." Or " You, Mr. Lanturn, need a turn on the hutch for awhile...what can I replace your bookshelf location with?"

I just love those times. In the geekiest way. Please, someone tell me I'm not the only one.

Random Blog Posts
Did you know that sometimes I write blog posts in my sleep? You'd probably never guess it, seeing as I am a sporadic blogger. But being pregnant has resulted in some pretty crazy dreams and a few times, I've actually thought "I should write a blog post about this" in my dream. Of course, I'll wake up and remember the dream for 5 minutes but not again as I move into my day. Anyway - just thought I'd let you know what I could fill many, many random blog posts. If only I could actually type in my sleep!

Enjoy your day!

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