Friday, December 19, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

And it really, truly doesn't show signs of stopping! There is something so cozy about gazing outside watching the wind blow, the snow whirl and knowing you're snug in your home keeping warm with a mug of hot chocolate. (for some people, coffee works too, but I'm not quite sure how)

Going with the feeling of being snowed in, this morning after some early morning house cleaning, I curled up with a book under an oh-so-soft blanket, thankful that Hadassah was in a playing mood. The book: 12 Sermons on Prayer by Spurgeon. The odd time I have to re-read a sentance due to the old language, but what a great writer he is!! If the book weren't all the way downstairs, I'd pull out a quote or two for you. But since it is downstairs, and Hadassah will gravitate straight for the stairs if I head out for longer than 2 seconds, educational quotes will have to wait.

Last night we were invited to the Kim's (from South Korea) for dinner. It was their anniversary. And what a spread!! Everything was so tasty, and there was a whole lot of it! We were informed by the other couple there with us,that in Korea you show the host your appreciatioin by eating as much as you could...until you couldn't fit another morsel in. I think it's safe to say that neither Tim nor myself were rude. :)

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