Monday, February 8, 2010


Two years ago today God gave us the sweetest gift.

And her name is Hadassah. I love her laugh, her hugs, her pats-on-the-back, her vocabulary, her devotion to Little Miss Piggy, her determination, her love for her daddy, her care for me (mommy owies? aww), her attempts at house-cleaning, her constant copy-catting (i fold it mommy, i clean it mommy, i do it mommy), her love of all things with four legs, her babbling conversations on her phone, her giggle, her sometimes straight-sometimes curly blond mop of hair, her still outty bellybutton, her delight at learning new things, her way of saying "yeah", her singing...I just love her.

Every little bit of her.

Happy Birthday to my girl. I'm thankful for each day and realize that each moment is a blessing. I pray for many, many more.


  1. aw. what a sweet row of pictures. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  2. Congrats! Two years go fast... Love the photo journey! Hope you had a lovely day together!

  3. I love the picture of her with her chubby legs standing in her crib!



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