Monday, April 19, 2010

Adventures in GR: Part 1

Or, otherwise titled "A Walk in the Park".

I had this brilliant idea of making the most of our last couple of months in Grand Rapids by heading somewhere new (to us) each week and then writing about it here.

Great idea, right? Yes, well, it's convenient for me that we've happened to go to a couple of different and places in the past couple of weeks and that I happened to get some pictures! Because the idea lightbulb had gone on and then right back off again. :) Thanks, Misty, for reminding me on Saturday!

And so we start!

Rosy Mounds Natural Area just outside of Grand Haven. (ok, a little further than GR, but it's in the general area!!) This hiking trail was suggested to me, literally, years ago by our pastor's wife. She loves it there and told me all about it...and we finally managed to make it out there a couple of weeks ago.And one trip there makes me for sure want to go back when the leaves are on the trees! It's lovely and I would highly suggest it. Boardwalks, stairs and dirt paths wind through some forested areas. Up and down you go, making your way to the dunes and then the beach. Tim and I had taken the stroller, but oh the stairs!! We ended up leaving the stroller at the top of the main set of stairs (99 steps I think I remember counting...) and picking it up on the way back. One thing that blew us away (almost literally) was the fact that while we were walking through the woods, it was quiet, peaceful, still. And then when we descended the stairs, walked through the dunes on the boardwalk and rounded a certain corner...WHAM...we were hit with crazy high winds. Hadassah almost blew away several times!! Despite this, she had a great time. Something about dirt and/or sand thrills her. And so Rosy Mounds Natural Area receives a "yes, add it to your itinerary" rating from me. We're adding it to our itinerary when summer rolls around!

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