Saturday, June 18, 2011

Impulsive mission:

Find vacation-toy-ideal-for-long-car-ride-to-vacation.

It all started at 6:50am this morning, approximately 2 seconds after I woke up. Despite my list of "do laundry, pack, wash and vaccuum van, pick up dog food, run to Shoppers, candy run at the Bulk Barn" and other vacation getting ready sorts of things, my first thought this morning was must!yard!sale!

And would you believe it?! Two garage sales later, I found this:
Along with 5 (maybe 6?) books/games/whatchamacall'ems.

In a case.

In perfectly wonderful,working condition.


For ten dollars. 10! One Zero! I just looked them up on Amazon and they're worth $100 just for the LeapPad, let alone games and case!!

Boy oh boy was I excited. Forget was...I AM excited!

And since my daughter has never SEEN a Leap Pad before, but it's something that would be right up her alley...well!...I'm thinking my little girl is going to be pretty excited herself, once our long vacation drive starts and I can hand it over and say "we'll count cows later, why don't you have a peek at this for a bit!"

Vacation is looking better and better.

And better.

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